Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another Step

CLICK the three and a half months since I've logged onto blogger, a lot of changes have taken place on here.  This is a completely new format and I'm going to have to play around with it a bit. Seems user friendly enough though.  And when we talk of changes, I've had a few myself.  I've moved into my side of the house, where I've done a few renovations.  I bought a new car. I started guiding at UMA in addition to managing the office.  Slight things really in the big scheme of things, but worthy of note nonetheless.  This post will be dedicated mostly to the dear, dear, 1106 side into which I've been pouring my money, heart, frustrations and learning capacity.  I will start this with the "Befores".

I am going to try and show what the house looked like before I started with it and then a few things Teresa (my landlord and with whom I've been living for the past few months) did for "my" side as well.  Onward!

This first photo is of the living room as you first walk in the front door.  If this room is a rectangle (which it is) the hallway is directly opposite from the front door. then, the wall that you're staring at currently is across from a huge window that takes up about 5/8ths of that whole wall...the remaining being the front door and some space on either side of each feature.  The wall you can partially see on the right has another window that is narrow but very tall.

TaDa! Now that you walked through that description with words, reward yourself with a did I do? Was that opposite of you imagined? I hope not...
Now, if we walk forward and take the first and direct right, there is the kitchen.  It is behind that large, magenta wall.... This photo shows the entrance to it and the tail end (a..ha..ha..ha...) of Bonobo, the neighborhood cat that has taken a serious liking to me and isn't actually very cat-like at all...

This is the kitchen if you're standing in front of the wall in the kitchen to the living room. back to the sink.  It isn't much and needs some lovin'....
There is the hallway from the living room to my bedroom....everything all the while being a disgusting cream color....You can also see the snow outside and my old car "la beauté d'une tomate verte". 

Bedroom....more disgusting cream...more and more and more...

This is one angle of the bathroom....but already with the new sink in it. The old one was....well let's just stop at saying the state originally built this house and so it had Utah state style, while being able to accommodate people in wheelchairs. read: two feet high. 

The shower.  It has beautiful tile and a porcelain tub. A great feature that needed no work!

Ok, that's about it for me.  I'm off to bed because I'll be up to climb in the morning at five and then head to work.  This is just teh beginning and I swear the next updates will be better constructed - I mean I have to convince you somehow that this place is better and if it won't be the content, it will be the form! xxx

Friday, April 13, 2012

This is a test

A video for inspiration....

       ...And a swimsuit for the travels!




Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A filling and a feeling

just click it

Gooooood Morning.

I've been at it early today. I had my regular Wednesday Coffee session with Jerica - as usual.  Lovely - as usual.  Then I went and had a filling redone because apparently Mt. Pleasant Dentistry is not Dentistry at it's finest.  or I'm a really intensive chomper. You decide. 

Spring is compressing to let loose here in SLC, but the depression made from the recoil is allowing a quick burst of Winter weather. I've been watching the snow melt all morning though. slowly sinking down and into the earth whispering promises to blanket it all again one day. Soon? Who knows?

I'll be moving in next door soon.  I have a few things saved in my amazon checklist just waiting to get over there and make it my own.  So ready.  But in that vein, I've been dreaming...
...aren't you now too?


I recently returned from Bryce Canyon this weekend with baro-baro.  It was gorgeous there and he took so many striking pictures.  I mostly ran around, wrote in my journal, stared at the internal writing on my walls.  Oh, I also ran into a tree - jumped, really. 
Coffee date had, filling recovered, papers corrected and the emptiness sets in - ever had a happiness that makes you grow? What happens once you begin to breathe again and you don't fit your lungs?

Monday, February 27, 2012

so soon...I knowwww

This may possibly be a new life goal now....

...I just want a bear to wave at me!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

"When something goes wrong, I'm the first to admit it - and the last to know"

Click this

Wow - over four months since I've done this.  What happened? I can tell you and it is supremely embarrassing.  I got interested in a certain dietary restricted someone. And it and he have been wonderful - but boy does it cut into my aimless wandering and reflective thinking time.  Even more than that, my READING has decreased incredibly - so you know how much time this is taking up.

Although I know I have a few people that read this from time to time (key word FEW) - I am always writing this to someone in particular.  You all know her, some better than others.  That person is none other that the girl who started this blog.  Claire from May 2009 - June 2010.  That person, I always try to make these important, appealing, or even confusing to her in some way.  Because that person was VERY carefree and figuring so many things out my natural happenings....but they were very forced at the same time.  I had so few obligations during that time period that I discovered things that I would always go back to, the very NON-FLEETING things.  And despite not having too much for which to be responsible - I was forced into many situations that made me grow.  I look to that person to make sure I'm rooted in my basic being.

Today I found this quote - and I feel it resonates with m current ideals - one which I know would also resonate with *that* girl.  This is one of those gems that I know will stick with me for a lifetime - not just while I'm going through something difficult currently.  No, this is something that I will add to my core essence and lock it up.

"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Goodbye for today, mes amis, and let's hope it isn't another four months before I speak to everyone again. xxx

Claire Winter Gorton

oh P.S.!!!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

deconstructed thoughts

please click me
Just passing through today folks.

One of those uninforming but perhaps intriguing posts.  I'll let you know what's I've been viewing - if not what I've been doing.  I'm sort of uninspired to do so at the moment. Although a small update wouldn't hurt.

I've recently started working at Utah Mountain Adventures (a rock/ice/ski guiding company) in Salt Lake City. I'm still teaching Rock and ice Climbing courses for the University of Utah. I'm exploring gluten free worlds and preaching teh wonders of WinCo to anyone who will answer my phone calls. I'm waking up early staring out my window. I'm grading papers for a Linguistics course and reffing soccer games.  I'm trying to be a good friend, person, daughter, granddaughter and sister. I'm drinking tea often and keeping iced coffee in my fridge. I'm taking time to listen to my mental hiccups and ask my father questions about his life and knowledge.  I'm trying to track down a dear friend.  I'm fighting distraction and over ambition simultaneously.  I'm experiencing some things for the first time and truly examining them.

That's it.

Claire Winter Gorton

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Slippery: 12 September 2011

So leeeeesten.

3 6 5

The miles - the meals - the memories.

     Also known as:  9 . 10 . 11 !!!
This year's 12th of September was spent in post wedding come-down from a high induced by good food, friends, family and dancing. The Wedding was better than the royal one, I'll say that without any reservations. My 12th was actually spent hugging Caitlin Goodbye hoping to see her in November and hugging Krissy goodbye knowing I'd see her later that day most likely.  MY SISTER IS MARRIED.

So another year has passed and I accomplished and enjoyed a great number of things. It wasn't all good and it wasn't that bad. I've got a solid handle on myself currently and feel that it may rain, or become bouleversé - but I'm able to smack it out of the Park anyhow. As long as Grace is around with Joho nearby.

I'm angry taking this photo(ANOTHER?), but consequently it's the only one that's surfaced of Gercie and me...thanks Barb.

The things that died and bloomed this year for the poignant culmination of today is enlightening.  I'm glad September 12th exists to be my own personal Big Picture Day. Long Run Day. Overarching Meaning Day. How perfectly prevailing, this life.
Claire Winter Gorton