This post was originally supposed to be written on the Train to NJ, but for reasons you will soon understand I just didn't have it in me.
So For the past two weeks at my internship, I have been planning this Fourth of July BBQ for Thursday the 2nd, as we got Friday off for the Holiday. Also, Thursday after work was leaving on a 6:10 train to NJ. So Thursday rolled around and that morning I was ready to go. I had made Fruit Pizza the night before for my part of the BBQ. I had packed all my clothes and set them aside for after work. I was set! So I go to work and the BBQ was a huge success. We were dancing, playing my game of fortune cookies (stolen from the Wicander family game played at Asian restaurants) and eating good food. So the day ends and I start to clean up. Now, because of the train crash on the Red line, the metro has been quite slow of late. So I get everything cleaned up and leave work at 4:40 just to give myself a little extra time for my train. I usually takes me 40 minutes to get home and then it takes 16 minutes to get to Union Station from my apt. So I was estimating getting to the station around 5:50, with 20 minutes to spare, and that was being liberal in my time at the apt, seeing as all I had to do was grab my bag and walk out.
Well, of course the train gods are against me, not to mention idiot people trying to pry their way on. Metro is kind of like a game for tourists. Ooooh! let's see if we can "outsmart" the train and block the doors so our family of 7 can squeeze onto the already full train of commuters. Oooooh! Every time the doors have to re-adjust we'll hold them open and be oh so gracious to let MORE idiotic tourists on. Wait? What's this? We have to get off the train? Why? Because we pried open the doors 54 times? Offloading? What's that? Does this mean we'll miss our guided tour of the Spy museum? UGH. So my train on the way home was offloaded. Which means me standing around watching the seconds go by. So I am running a little bit behind my time table, I go up to my apt, grab my bag and walk out. I leave my apt at 5:39, int eh metro at 5:42. so I have roughly 25 minutes to get there and make my train. Now let me just insert the above section here again.....
"Well, of course the train gods are against me, not to mention idiot people trying to pry their way on. Metro is kind of like a game for tourists. Ooooh! let's see if we can "outsmart" the train and block the doors so our family of 7 can squeeze onto the already full train of commuters. Oooooh! Every time the doors have to re-adjust we'll hold them open and be oh so gracious to let MORE idiotic tourists on. Wait? What's this? We have to get off the train? Why? Because we pried open the doors 54 times? Offloading? What's that? Does this mean we'll miss our guided tour of the Spy museum? ".....
We are offloaded again and I am just SEETHING. I am going to miss my train. I don't know if there are other ones to NJ tonight. I don't know if there are, are they then $100 more? Alors, I get to Union Station and SPRINT (packing in my backpack with a purse was a GOOD choice) and Spring up the escalators BAM! Train gone.
Bottom line, I have to go get a new train with an IDIOT lady, my god. I'm on the phone with Jess trying to coordinate the trains and places to get picked up and Jess is saying, "what is this lady's problem?!?" I am trying to explain to her I have a few places I can get picked up, as there are a few stations near jess's house. Again she asks me, where are you going. I finally look her in the eye and say "Leb-a-non. but there aren't any train stations in Leb-a-non. Therefore I have to go to stations in the surrounding areas. Can we look at those fares please?" She doesn't understand. End of that, I get a ticket and pay $60 bucks extra. boo. Standing, waiting for the train I see a Ben and Jerry's ice cream shop. Oh Hell yeah, I need ice cream. I go spend my 6 bucks on a 3 scoop cup. The lady says" The cake batter is kinda melty, you might want to eat it fast" So I eat it quickly and get in line for the train. Train comes, and I get one and in my seat. ice cream down, but not feeling the ambiance in my stomach. It instead prefers the train toilet. So I sprint tot eh bathroom and remove all the ice cream (which was still cold on the way up) and all the BBQ foods I ate as well. Lovely non?
I get back to my seat with the sour taste of sick in my mouth and pop in a peppermint, hoping it will mask it. I then go to grab my headphones in order to relax and watch a bit of shows on my laptop. But they seem to be stuck. I gently tug them a little more. Nothing. Then a large man comes and sits down next to me making it impossible to get at my bag and the headphones. Thoroughly annoyed and at my wits end I give them a TUG and there they come! ...A little lighter...minus one ear bud...that I ripped off...
Then it started raining.
Oh what a Thursday it was.
Song: "Lying in the Sun" Koushik
My awesome co-workers breaking it down to music from Cote d'Ivoire.
Eric and me; drinking our non-alcoholic beverages with class.
Francois, the man, the myth, the legend. This is who I work next to everyday.
Eric grabbed a candid shot of me with Ted's special BBQ sauce all over my face. Lovely, non?
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