Monday, July 27, 2009

Catching Up

Hello Hello Hello,
I have so very much to catch everyone up on. I mean I know people are waiting at their computers checking the blog first thing in the morning and then every hour on the hour to see if I've updated. I know this, I just do and I apologize for the delay.

So I believe we left off with the boys? Over to your right is Jonah being thoroughly excited about being in DC and riding in a cab. As he would say, "that is soooo DC"Well sadly Jonah had to leave us on Sunday afternoon. it was quite sad, I will miss him over the next year. His telling of random FACTS was a highlight.

But we tarried on and went to Eastern market so I could try and score some free veggies and fruits for the coming week. Unfortunately we were too late for all the free ones, but I was able to get some very discounted prices. Coming at the end of the day pays off to be certain.

From there I believe we went home to make dinner and hannnnnnnng. We grilled out on my balcony and enjoyed the sunset while listening to music and sharing some. Good friends, good eats, good life. This is Dennis with our really good mushroom smelly cheese burgers. Isn't Dennis just precious, this picture is just spectacular. We grilled out down stairs and this cute little boy came up and asked me if I wanted to play batchi Ball (spelling?) and he was just so outgoing and we knew he will be a lady killer when he grows up. And this guy was playing guitar too, so we were serenaded while we were out there. Just gorgeous. I love it. We watched a movie and took it low key as I had to work the next day. We laughed watching Role Models and I made some rockin' popcorn. It was a Sunday evening to remember.

over the next few days we played some tennis, swam in the pool and just enjoyed each other's company. Jeremy found my frozen blueberries and substituted them for ice cubes with a dual purpose of flavor. Remniscent of the HC. Oh Lawd. We also kept with the tradition and watched a movie every night. Tuesday night we also had a party to go to for a website promotion. It was at a club downtown and it was fun, met some cool people. After we got some Indian food and headed home. overall, I had a blast with these guys; they even came and helped me do work at work one day. Imagine that! It was so nice to have that effortless company that produces such fine memories and even activities. When one variable is taken away by a comfortable constant, your other variable can, well, vary a little more. It seems to make things a little more exciting and therefore enjoyable.

At the place, while waiting we got bored. Jeremy and I were reading a newspaper, but then I just decided to put all my efforts into my real desire, which was looking down his shirt. Good Indian food too.

A tout a l'heure,

Song: "The Great Salt Lake" By Band of Horses
Wow. Look at that. sometimes coincidences are the highlights of my mind. Uncanny. And welcome.


  1. I do check it every morning...and throughout the :P

  2. Amy and I check everyday too.
    So there.

  3. I love Band of Horses. I'm glad we agree in this regard. Xoxo

  4. So, uh, it looks like I have a bald spot in the picture of Jeremy and me. Don't know what to think about that.
