I have three comments posted on the SAME DAY that I posted.
Oh. My.
I think I will fall asleep with a smile on my face tonight.
I went to go running tonight and by chance ran into Ben, another Hinckley intern and decided to go with as it was already getting dark. Why not.
Oh. My.
We ended up running about 7 1/2 miles. It was about 85 degrees with 60% humidity..
Oh. MY.
When I got home I was so unbearably hot. I went to get ice cubes and well, errr, got distracted.
Will be posting about NYC and other adventures soon. :)
Claire Winter Gorton
Song: Just as I was checking this the song changed, so I feel I must include both.
"Big Rock Candy Mountains" Harry McClintock
"Prologue" Harry Potter
Did you vote on the quiz?!
I voted. I voted correctly. Ta dahhh!
me too!