So I had a wonderful week at work this week, maybe that's attributed to the fact that I wasn't there on Monday, but I don't think so. There are man ways this week was a turning point and we will start with my work aspect. I finally feel as though I am one with The Mitchell Group. I feel like an employee not just a nomadic intern. Everyone welcomes me and seeks me out just like any other fellow employee. it is great, and I sure will miss it there. It is also a turning point to the fact that the summer is on the other side of the hill. I'm on my way down! It's bittersweet because I will miss it, but I am rolling towards a vacation in Spain and then living and studying in France, so whatever pace I'm rolling at is fine with me.
So in honor of the summer summiting, I jump started and looked for things to do this weekend and found quite a many. (quite a many..? meh) Monika also found a concert that she thought I would be interested in. Boy was she right! Let's start with Friday....
After work I go to the K
Then we strolled outside a little and looked at the majesty of the river and the sun and soaked it up. We headed home from there to get some food and get ready for the next adventure.....
Our friends down in 515 had made a chocolate on chocolate cake. yumm
This morning, I woke up 8 hours after I had gone to sleep, which because of the late nature of my night was not as qqqquite as early as I would have liked. But still early enough to be leisurely before......
The French Festival! I went with Monika, it was at the Mansion, Museum, home of Marjorie Post (father fou
Now....NOW I am off to the French Embassy Party for Bastille Day (this coming Tuesday) and am I ever excited. I hope to dance, and possibly use my skills use today, debating whether to bring a kerchief or not (do I OWN a kerchief....?) I am utterly on air. Please join me on my own personal cloud. 9 was too crowded for my liking, I got my own. ciao, adieu, a la prochaine. When we speak next I will have dined on this heavenly food at the embassy party, and will be a better person for it ;) I would attach the link so you could check out the menu, but don't want to be held responsible for ruining your computers on the account of drool.....
Song: "Thieves in the Night" By Blackstar
"and I open it with welcome arms"
ReplyDeleteum lemme guess, I (you) welcome it with open arms?
Gotta MOUCHE Gotta MOUCHE...but can you do the fandango??