...I will repeat when I'm 80 over and over trying to relate to my grandkids.
It is currently 1h05 France time. My flight takes off at 6h35 from MRSin Marseille. I have to catch the 4h40 shuttle. I am quite prepared, except not hat well rested but so ready nonetheless.
On another note I was hit by (rather squashed between two) car(s) today. Yeah yeah it finally happened. I was on my way to the train station to get my 12-25 card and once I was pried out from in-between (the car who did hte backing didn't even notice) I raced off to get my card with a bleeding ankle and a feeling that it could have been a lot worse.
You see how this is just a passing reference to being smashed in-between two cars? Well that's because I have too much in my life to worry about such things. I had a weekend of utter debauchery and came back to my last week of classes before heading off to Amsterdam among other places for three weeks. I haven't really stopped this week.
I will do a proper KRIT blog, most likely on the train tomorrow. But let's just say that some (MOST) of it was not grandparent appropriate - so said post will not be explicit. But now. Bed? for 2 hours. 2 hours? A nap I guess, better than nothing.
I'll be in touch.
Song "2 atoms in a molecule" Noah and the Whale
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