We sang Ariel by the sea, Avery style. It was a lovely meandering day. Just to the whims and fancies of Team Awesome (as roby call us). The drive there was spectacular. A day well spent. And well fed, as Joshi woke up earl(ier than he had to)y to buy us croissants and make us a tartine.

Above is the oldest cinéma in the world. First movie ever shown/made. It was 50 seconds long. But how cool is that? Below is the poster for the first movie ever shown.



Claire Winter Gorton
Song: "So Long,Lonesome" By Explosions in the Sky
Mmmm so happy for you, pretty girl. I love your legs with the boats in the background. You're wonderful. I hope our cyber paths cross tomorrow while I'm at work. Xoxo
Ohhh those are cars. Well I like them anyways.